Organization Structure

Our well diversified Board consists of 3 members, all four are Executive Directors. To assist the Directors in the discharge of their functions, Clear terms of references are created and assigned to respective directors. These are:

  • Audit & Compliance
  • Finance & Investment
  • Domestic Operations
  • International Operations

Syntiche Company Limited has a distinctive capacity to operate as one company even though it is highly diversified across various locations and products. Our ability to have a highly coordinated, cross functional and high-performance organization is driven by the way our Corporate Centre integrates our multiple businesses, geographies and functions.

The Corporate Centre catalyses the integration of a multi business company like ours by developing a shared vision and agenda, installing common operating systems and embedding a common culture across the organisation. Because of these shared systems, processes and culture, the whole of Agro Group is significantly greater than the sum of its parts.

A Leader in Edible Oils & Agro Products Export

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